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We offer a comprehensive range of NHS dental services including preventative dentistry, crowns, bridges and dentures.

NHS Services

At the start of any course of treatment, we will provide you with a treatment plan including an estimated cost which we can discuss with you. This treatment plan also explains your entitlement under NHS dental care.

Which dental treatments are available on the NHS?

Full information can be found on the NHS Choices website. In summary:

"All treatment that is, in your dentist’s opinion, clinically necessary to protect and maintain good oral health is available on the NHS. This means the NHS provides any treatment that you need to keep your mouth, teeth, and gums healthy and free of pain.

NHS dental treatment does not include cosmetic treatments that are not clinically necessary, such as teeth whitening. Cosmetic treatments like this are used to improve the appearance of your teeth and make them look more attractive, and are only available privately.

If you’re interested in having any cosmetic dental treatments, you should ask your dentist how much private treatment will cost. Charges for any private treatment will be added to the charges for your NHS treatment".

NHS Dental Charges

How much you pay for NHS dental treatment depends on what clinical treatment you need. Some people are eligible for free NHS dental treatment. For full details of costs and eligibility, find out more on the NHS Choices website.

To find out if we are currently accepting new NHS patients or to book an appointment, contact us on 01275 399 845.
